In the historic Quit India Movement which spread to all parts of the
country, tribal dominated Nabarangpur District had played an
important role. Unparalleled sacrifices were made by the freedom
fighters of the district to free India from British rule. The spontaneous
uprising and participation of villagers spilled nightmares into the quiet
dreams of the authorities who always took the passivity of the tribal
population for granted.
The tribal uprising in the district for India's freedom created a
terror in the minds of the British Administration who left no stone
unturned to suppress the movement. While the agitation spread like
a wild fire and engulfed village after village in its patriotic fever the
grinding wheel of repression by Britishers also began to play its
most ruthless part.
On August 24, 1942, a gathering of hundreds of people mostly
tribals under the leadership of Madhav Pradhani of village
Gummaguda near the district headquarters town of Nabarangpur
were proceeding to Dabugam to decide their future course of action
following the arrest of the leaders of the district. As it was rainy
season the Turi river near Papdahandi was in spate.
When the procession shouting patriotic slogans of 'Bharat Mata
Ki Jai' ,'Gora sarkar Bharat chhado' and 'Vande Mataram' just
crossed the wooden bridge of the river armed police pounced upon
them with brute strength letting loose a merciless attack. The
participants were beaten up with guns and bayonets were shoved
into their bodies. But this was not all. As the patriots stood their
ground, the police started firing indiscriminately at the unarmed
crowd. Eleven freedom fighters were perished on the spot and
several others were severely injured in the police firing. Later of
them eight freedom fighters also succumbed to their injuries. Apart
some freedom fighters also jumped into the river and died.
The martyrs who sacrificed their lives were Bastria Bhotra, Bali
Soura, Budu Amanatya, Ratan Randhari,Sukuru Muduli, Khagapati
Aamnatya, Bharat Pujari, Ramachandra Amanatya, Ghasi Jani,
Dinabandhu Jani, Buduram Aamanatya, Jaganath Aamnatya,
Sodev Pujari, Manguru Bhotra, Aanda Goudo, Paramananda
Soura, Bhagaban Bhotra and Syam Sunadr Goudo.
But the story did not end there. The British Government was keen
on putting the leaders and their followers in jails for the rest of their
lives. The British Government slapped a case on freedom fighters,
charging ‘conspiracy against the state’. 92 freedom fighters were
charge sheeted. Among them were eminent fire brand freedom
fighter Laxmi Chandra Dash and Madhav Pradhani.
On behalf of the accused freedom fighter Laxmi Chandra Dash
argued the case. The police presented 300 persons, mostly
criminals, as their witness. After the hearing of the case the court
sentenced the 92 freedom fighters on various charges and sent them
all to district jail at Koraput.
In jail also the British Government unleashed inhuman atrocities
on the freedom fighters in the Koraput Jail. 24 freedom fighters of
Nabarangpur District perished after lingering illness and continuous
torture. The Koraput jail remained a mute witness to all this.
The freedom fighters of Nabarangpur District who were victims of
British torture in jail were Hari Amanatya, Lavnya Bhotra,
Raghunath Randhari, Khageswar Majhi,Jagu Majgi, Bonomali
Harijan, Bagga Pujari, Ratan Bhotra, Mudia Bhotra, Kalia Tengna
Jani,Sodasiva Rana, Bakti Bhotra, Dhobi Kolar, Bondka
Bhotra,Madhav Majhi,Gongadhar Muduli,Kalia Majhi, Kavi
Kolar,Sukman Bhotra,Parsuram Mali,Loikhan Bhotra,Geru Paiko,
Domburu Majhi and Ghasia Gondo.
During the Quit India Movement many women supporting the
freedom fighters were also raped by the police and forest personnel
in Nabarangpur District. While some of them were murdered by the
police, others committed suicide after the rape incidents.
All their lives, who were killed in police firing or perished in jail,
dedicated for the cause of independence of motherland. They were
soldiers of freedom, who braved death every minute of their sacred
lives. We all are proud of them.